All students may apply for the following courses, provided they have successfully passed the Introduction to Directing course (5th. semester). Following the above requirement, students are selected through a 3 min. presentation prior to the beginning of the 6th semester.

Students who successfully attend all four Directing courses are eligible to present a Directing Project in order to complete their Diploma Project requirements.


    • The first workshop course, of a series of courses, on directing, with compulsory attendance. The emphasis is on the ability of the director to adapt a text for the stage, to place it in space and to work with others. Within this context, the students are exposed to methods of text reading and acting and, at the same time, they suggest and apply stage and aesthetic solutions for the specific texts they are directing.


    • Directing exercises on theatrical texts or specific themes as a starting point. Apart from team rehearsals, students frequently present their work to fellow students and discuss it with them and their teacher.
      General objective: The preparation of the students for the profession of the director.
      Specific objectives of the course: 1.Working with the text. Understanding of an interactive theatrical scene and the stage requirements (working on a character, for example getting in touch with the targets of the character and his stakes) 2. Giving a series of directions to actors, learning
      how to use the stage, the technical demands of a production, the lighting design, the sound needed the sense of time and rhythm, and 3. Working on different theatrical plays and starting choosing the material.


    • A practice-based course, with obligatory attendance, which results in individual stage-directing projects, lasting 30-40 minutes, with specific requirements, e.g. type of text, number of actors etc. In the spring semester of 2012-13, students work on short stories (preferably by Greek
      writers) of the 20th century. The adaptation of the short stories and their evolvement into a ‘production text’ is a basic goal of the course.


    • The final course in Directing requires the students to prepare individually a stage performance of about an hour. The prerequisites of the project (such as the genre of theatrical text, the number of actors and actresses involved etc.) are the same for all students and the final performance open to public. Students who intend to have their final project (dissertation) on directing are expected to have successfully completed all four classes of the cycle.



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    School of Drama – Faculty of Fine Arts – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki